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Real Estate Real Talk


Breaking down the findings of NAR’s Home Buyers and Sellers RRport on who are the home buyers in today’s market.
It’s the time of the year that’s exciting, but challenging. How can agents stay on track in the winter months to be as successful as possible for next year.
Now that we are in a changing market, how are we pricing properties or advising clients on pricing.
Most agents are not prepared for the upcoming market cycle, that’s because more than half of all active real estate agents have never worked in a market when prices were decreasing. As we get closer to 2023, how can you prepare when prices and pricing seem to be all over the place?
As the housing market shifts toward more balanced conditions between homebuyers and sellers, millennials are still facing challenges as a large part of the buying sector in the marketplace.
As a recent NY Times article states “The economics of the housing market have squeezed out ‘starter homes.’ Their disappearance is central to the American housing crisis.” Is there an end in sight? Our hosts discuss possible solutions and what agents can do to help first time home buyers in these times. 
Is it time to brand or rebrand yourself? Our hosts talk about what agents can do to stand out in a competitive market with credentials and designations.
September is REALTOR Safety month, and our hosts along with a featured guest Addie Owens, CRS, talk about some of the best practices to keeping safe in today’s environment.
The reality of the market is changing. How can you educate clients on fact vs fiction, and manage expectations with data and transparency for a smooth sailing buying and selling process.
Recent reports say that solo agents can no longer survive in the industry with the current demands of the market. Is building a team really more important than ever?
With the increasing stressors in society, mental health issues are on the rise. How to deal with and help clients that have mental health issues and challenges.
The pressure from the industry, clients, and even that agents can put on themselves, can add up. Being a residential real estate agent can be overwhelming, especially when you are at the top of your game. Alex Milshteyn and Maura Neill share how they overcome anxieties and manage it all to stay mentally healthier and happier.
Interest rates – it’s all any client or agent is talking about. There has been some pretty drastic increases. How are agents dealing with those conversations and strategizing around them where their business continues to thrive.
Is the hot market finally showing signs of cooling due to the higher mortgage rates? How can buyers and sellers best be advised with the current conditions and how can agents be prepared for what is next.
New reports say that now is the worst time ever to buy a house but our hosts might just disagree. “Just because it’s not the best time to buy doesn’t mean it’s not a good time to buy.” How agents and buyers can overcome the current market challenges.
Rental rates have continued to rise at the fastest pace in decades. How does this play into the industry and market as a whole and impact buying and selling?
When the market is crazy, it seems that ethics can take a backseat. Alex and Holli discuss what is happening with agents in the industry and how the increase of new REALTORS is impacting it.
The possible market effects due to the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine; host Alex Milshteyn has a unique perspective being from Ukraine.
Real-estate agents typically are paid a standard commission for helping sell or buy a home. But there are recent reports and chatter online that they should compensated differently. Let’s talk about how can you have open and constructive conversation with your clients about pay, and sell your worth.
There are numerous reports of buyers getting burnt out in today’s market: 72% of current shoppers are taking a break. Our hosts take a look at exactly why this is happening and what you can do to support your clients.
iBuyers – they are all over the news, and are becoming increasingly more controversial in today’s market, but do they also present an opportunity?
How can practicing agents plan around the lack of options and take advantage of this current market so they are well-positioned down the road?
Meet your hosts of Real Estate Real Talk where they share their industry experience, passion behind the podcast, and what you can expect!